Yos Dive Lembeh is located in the Makawidey village within the Aertembaga district. The nearest airport is the Sam Ratulangi International Airport located in Manado city. However, the nearest city to this resort is Bitung city.
From your location, find your way to Sam Ratulangi International Airport. A resort coordinator will meet you at the airport. There are no fixed schedule transfers, but try to arrive early as the journey from the airport to the resort takes about 2 hours.
Land Transfer to Makawidey Village
Transfer from airport to Makawidey Village 60 Km away. The journey takes about 1.5 hours.
Land Transfer to Sam Ratulangi International Airport
Depart the resort for a 1.5 hour journey by car.
Depart Sam Ratulangi International Airport
Depart airport to your next destination.