Group Booking Discount
Every sixth diver in your group gets to stay at no charge. However, your minimum stay must be at least 7 days / 6 nights.
What is Included
- 3 boat dives daily and 1 night dive around Maratua Island. Advanced Open Water Diver, Advanced Scuba Diver certification or equivalent required for night dives. Night dives are buddy dives.
- Unlimited jetty buddy dives.
- Air, weights and weight belt.
- Accommodation is based on twin share.
- All food and hot beverages are provided, excluding alcoholic drinks, fruit juices and carbonated soft drinks. Food is predominantly fish.
DHRT & ST Prices below includes 10 District Hotel & Restaurant Tax, and 5% Sales Tax.
What is Not Included
- Land and sea transfers between Tanjung Redeb and Maratua Island. However, we would be happy to assist in making the transfer arrangements.
Travel period is from Sunday, 1 January 2023 to Wednesday, 31 December 2025. The base currency for this resort is in USD US Dollar.
Beach Chalet
Water Villa
The Channel (also known as Big Fish Country) dive site
There is a surcharge of USD63 per person per trip per dive for divers wanting to dive The Channel.
Diving Kakaban Island
There is a surcharge of USD63 per person per trip for divers wanting to dive Kakaban Island.
Diving Sangalaki Island
There is a surcharge of USD84 per person per trip for divers wanting to visit Sangalaki Island.
Diving Derawan Island
There is a surcharge of USD116 per person per trip for divers wanting to visit Derawan Island.
Entrance Fee to Kakaban Island
The Indonesian Government has imposed an entrance fee of Rp 25,000 per person per day for visitors to Kakaban Island. The entrance fee is to be paid separately at the resort as it is not included in the package price.
Entry Permits to Sangalaki Island
The Indonesian Government has imposed a levy charge of Rp 65,000 per diver per day and Rp 55,000 per non-diver per day for visitors to Sangalaki Island. The levy is to be paid separately at the resort as it is not included in the package price.
Single travellers
Single travellers must add single supplement fee. There is a surcharge for boat and land transfers based on minimum 2 person price if there is no one else going into and out of Maratua Paradise Resort.
There is a special rate for non-diving children sharing rooms with parents. The child should be under 12 years of age and the rate is 50% off the non-diver rate plus 10% Indonesian tax for accommodation.